
Thank you for considering donating to the Bath and North East Somerset Green Party.


General Election Crowdfunder

Our General Election Fundraiser is now live! Please donate what you can/if you can and please share the link with anyone you know who would like to support our general election campaign.

General Election crowdfund campaign


Monthly Direct Debit Donations

Alternatively you may prefer to set-up a monthly direct debit. Your donation goes a long way to help us continue with our campaigns at local level and supporting our Green Party councillors. We use GoCardless for donations when you supply your bank details. GoCardless is a UK company who process payments and donations via Direct Debit. All you need is your bank account number and sort code rather than your credit or debit card numbers.

One off donations can be processed this way as well using a one-time direct debit.

Please pick a level of donation you are comfortable with from the amounts below. Thank you very much indeed.


£2.50 Per Month

£5 Per Month

£10 Per Month 




One Off Donations

£10 One off donation

£25 One off donation

£50 One off donation




If you would like to make a donation via another method to the local party please contact our treasurer.

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