Tim Beadle - Moorlands

Tim Beadle - Moorlands

Tim has lived in Bath for 23 years, and since his university days has been interested in solutions to the environmental issues that we face; his final year included a module on Environmentally Sensitive Design. Tim is married with three teen/tween children, and tries to find ways to reduce his planetary footprint in various aspects of life including transport, food and energy use.

Tim would like to see walking, cycling and public transport become people’s go-to transport options rather than always reaching for the car keys. This will only happen, over time, through investment in these modes of transport.

Making homes genuinely affordable has to be a priority for any sensible local authority: when people can work, shop, and reach places of education or entertainment close to home, community is strengthened and traffic is reduced.

Moorlands ward is a wonderful area with amazing open green spaces. As a councillor, Tim would do all he could to protect these community assets, as well as enhancing opportunities for children to play by ensuring parks are well-maintained.


Email - Tim.beadle@bathnesgreens.org.uk

Twitter - https://twitter.com/t1mmyb