Barbara Gordon - Midsomer Norton North

Barbara Gordon - Midsomer Norton North

I joined the Green Party more than 20 years ago because of my concern about climate change. The first climate emergency declaration by a local council was drafted by Carla Denyer, now co-leader of the Green Party, in 2018 and now other councils including Bath & North East Somerset have declared climate and ecological emergencies. These now have to underpin all council decisions.

Greener must also mean fairer. Much is made of the need to promote active travel in order to reduce car use but not everybody can walk or cycle wherever they need to go. Many bus routes have been cut or reduced and frequently buses just don’t turn up. Provision of affordable, reliable bus services would be a priority for me as a local councillor. Other Green issues such as the protection of green spaces and the natural environment are vital for the health and wellbeing of all.

Democratic decision making is an essential aspect of Green Party policy so it’s vital that actions by the council are not imposed without meaningful and well publicised consultation with the public. Councillors must represent the best interests of their constituents and truly listen to their concerns.

I’m standing in this election so that voters in Midsomer Norton have the opportunity to vote for genuine Green policies.