Dr Amy Alsop - Combe Down

Amy Alsop - Combe Down

I'm Dr Amy Alsop, one of the Green Party council candidates for Combe Down.

I've lived and worked in the Bath area for around 15 years, and I currently work here as a local GP. Over the last 3 years I have been a volunteer, and I'm now a trustee of a local charity that provides animal therapy for children with disabilities. Over the last 10 years of my medical career I have developed a specialist interest in Sustainable Healthcare - the goal is providing healthcare that benefits patients and the planet.

Like many people in our community I've become increasingly frustrated by the political inaction on important issues like climate change, environmental protection and reducing pollution, which is why I joined the Green Party.

I am a parent and a cyclist - I try to use active transport in the city as much as possible for the health benefits and to avoid contributing to air pollution that harms the health of our community, especially our children, although I appreciate the infrastructure isn't ideal yet. I am standing for the Green Party in Combe Down because I feel I owe it to our younger generations to take action on global issues, locally. I would love to see more active transport infrastructure in my ward and in the city as a whole.