
Council decisions are dependent on the ability to fund and deliver effective services. As Greens we know that finance has to be sustainable and that we cannot go on cutting services year on year without a major shake-up of what the council can deliver.

We will aim to:

  • Keep the council tax at affordable levels
  • Refuse to fund costs imposed for economic development
  • Increase charges where appropriate for environmental and social gains, such as car parking
  • Not sell council property for short term gain
  • Cut waste, such as energy costs and excessive use of external consultants.

To do this will entail an urgent review of all council business following the elections. We believe this is important so that real improvements in the quality of life for all residents can be achieved by establishing a financially secure four year plan.

This will be a major task, but where Green councillors have been elected elsewhere, such as in Kirklees in Yorkshire and Bristol, they have risen to the challenge.

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