Green Cllr Joanna Wright Condemns Destruction of Park Hedging

13 April 2023

Cllr Joanna Wright by the site of the destroyed hedge

In the Little Park (bottom of Brooklyn Road) in Lambridge on Thursday 13th April 2023, the B&NES Parks Department authorised the removal of a well-loved hedge that created a boundary between the park and the footpath. This hedge was well used by sparrows and other birds and is a regular feature for all local residents to communicate with nature. Cllr Joanna Wright received numerous texts and emails on the morning of this hedge removal from concerned residents and Joanna promptly went to the site to investigate.

On speaking to the council operatives Joanna learned that the officers had been concerned about the removal of this hedge and rang up senior officers to ensure that their actions were correct. They were clearly told to take the whole hedge out, leaving behind sharp metal rods which are now a health and safety issue.

Cllr Joanna Wright promptly contacted the head of B&NES, Will Godfrey, about this issue and the impact that it will and does have for the local community, and the local flora and fauna. Joanna also contacted the Head of Parks on the matter who came to the site to see what had taken place.

The Head of Parks clearly realised that the wrong information had been passed on to officers for this work and apologised about the actions taken. Joanna again spoke to Will Godfrey at B&NES to ask that a press statement is made explaining what has taken place and to apologise to the Lambridge Community for this error. Further, Cllr Wright has asked that a new hedge is put in its place and that the health and safety issue is dealt with promptly.

Joanna is aware that many in the community will be rightly aggrieved by this hedge being removed in spring when birds are nesting. She has impressed upon the parks department that every little action we take effects the impact on local wildlife.

Joanna said "If we really are concerned about the Climate and Ecologial Emergency then every action taken, from planting a tree to protecting the nature we already have, is vital. As the the sole Green at B&NES holding the council to account is important and that's why it's vital to have more Greens on the council. Voting Green matters."

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