Proposed safety improvements for Widcombe Hill have sparked concern among cycling advocates, as plans to install speed cushions on this key route could make conditions more dangerous for those on bikes.
Widcombe Hill, one of the links for staff and students travelling to the University of Bath, has long been recognised as a hazardous road. Yet, instead of designing safer cycling infrastructure, the council is pressing ahead with measures that could actively make the route worse for people cycling.
The proposed speed cushions go against government guidance, which advises against using them on cycle routes. Local Transport Note 1/20 warns that speed cushions “constrain the ability of cyclists to choose their preferred position in the carriageway” and are particularly unsafe for those using non-standard cycles such as tricycles, handcycles, or child trailers.
Green councillors are calling for a rethink, arguing that better alternatives exist, such as raised tables, protected cycle lanes or measures to prevent through-traffic.
Cllr Saskia Heijltjes (Lambridge, Green), adds:
“It is very disappointing that current government guidance is not adhered to. Speed cushions are bad for cycling and the so-called “improvements” seem to have forgotten about people on cycles. And that’s very odd because we desperately need people who are able to, to stop using a car to get around. Cycling is a great way to get around, especially for journeys under 3 miles.”
Notably, the council’s recent announcement of these improvements mentions drivers and pedestrians but completely overlooks cyclists—even though Widcombe Hill is identified as a strategic cycle route in the Active Travel Masterplan.
With an 8% incline and a history of serious collisions, Widcombe Hill needs safety measures that protect all road users. The Green councillors in BaNES are urging the council to go back to the drawing board and deliver a design that aligns with its commitments to road safety and active travel.