Balancing the Books, Not the Budget: B&NES Deserves Better

Bath and North East Somerset’s proposed budget is a missed opportunity to tackle pressing local issues. With cuts to essential services, including adult and child social care, charities, and social enterprises, we are already feeling the strain. While council reserves grow, vital services supporting the most vulnerable are underfunded, and the consequences will be severe in the long term.

The Greens express their disappointment by the Liberal Democrats’ lack of vision, with the Leader of the Greens in the Council, Cllr Joanna Wright, stating: 

‘The budget is full of piecemeal fixes that fail to address long-term challenges, such as improving public transport, creating liveable neighbourhoods, or ensuring sustainable development. Without bold action now, we’ll continue to see ad hoc, unsustainable solutions that only delay the inevitable.’

Equally troubling, Labour has failed to provide any amendments, choosing not to challenge or act as opposition. Nationally, the Labour government’s chronic underfunding of councils is leaving us struggling to deliver essential services, and Labour’s lack of action locally is only exacerbating this problem.

The Council Green Group’s amendments aim to address key gaps in the budget:

  1. Extend Free Bus Travel for Disabled People Before 9am
    This proposal makes travel more accessible for disabled residents, enabling them to attend work, medical appointments, and education. It’s a proven, low-cost way to increase mobility and independence, benefiting the wider community.
  2. Invest in Public Toilets Across B&NES
    A report to identify and plan for improved public toilet facilities, especially for tourists, parents with young children, and those with disabilities. This will ensure better accessibility and hygiene, improving the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.
  3. Part-time Administrative Officer for Planning Enforcement
    Dedicated administrative support for the Planning Enforcement Team will improve efficiency, speed up responses, and ensure timely action on planning issues, ultimately benefiting the local community.
  4. Improve School Streets with Additional Funding
    We propose funding for designing the 4th, 5th and 6th School Street, to be ready to bid for WECA funding to improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion and air pollution near schools.
  5. Cycle Parking at Bath Sports & Leisure Centre
    Upgrading cycle parking facilities and improving pedestrian routes will make the Leisure Centre more accessible for people walking, wheeling and cycling and improve safety for all users, promoting sustainable transport options.
  6. Introduce RPZ for Lambridge
    A Residents’ Parking Zone for Lambridge in conjunction with Grosvenorwill help tackle growing commuter and visitor parking pressures, easing congestion and improving parking availability for local residents.
  7. Retract Paper Parking Permits for Councillors
    In line with our climate emergency goals, this amendment eliminates paper parking permits for councillors, reducing the risk of misuse and enabling transparency and accountability

These proposals are practical, cost-effective solutions to immediate challenges. We urge the Liberal Democrats to adopt these amendments and take bold action to create a better future for Bath and North East Somerset.

Without decisive leadership from the Liberal Democrats and Labour, services will continue to decline, inequality will rise, and our community will fall further behind. Our residents deserve better.

The amendment failed with 47 votes against and 3 for. 

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