After years of Green campaigning, School Streets are finally set to be introduced in Bath and North East Somerset. The council’s new budget includes £87,000 for schemes at three primary schools.
Greens are celebrating the introduction of School Streets in Bath and North East Somerset, but serious questions remain.
For the last two years, the Greens proposed a School Street in the budget and were told it would cost £200,000 for a single scheme – leading to their proposal being rejected, twice. Now, the Liberal Democrat administration claims it can deliver three School Streets for just half that amount. It is puzzling how the council can do three for a fraction of the cost.
Green Cllr for Lambridge, Saskia Heijltjes, comments,
“We are very happy that Bath and North East Somerset will see the first set of School Streets implemented in the coming year – it’s an important step towards providing families with a safer, healthier, and less polluted area around the school gates.”
However, the Greens are concerned that the new schemes may be minimal, covering schools in cul-de-sacs or on one-way streets. They are calling for full transparency from Councillor Sarah Warren on our School Streets strategy, including a delivery programme.
Cllr Joanna Wright, Leader of the Green group on BaNES council, adds,
“Parents and children have been waiting far too long for School Streets. We are pleased that our calls have been listened to. The impact of the school journey on a young person affects their health and well being and school streets have been shown to result in better health outcomes.”
The Greens are demanding the publication of a School Streets strategy for the area including a delivery programme over the next 5 years so that all young people benefit from safe streets on their journey to school. B&NES council needs to remain committed to pushing for a safe, high-quality School Street at every viable primary school across Bath and North East Somerset by 2030.
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