Combe Down Allotments Site Registered as Community Asset

Bath & North East Somerset Council has officially designated the Combe Down allotments site in Bath as an Asset of Community Value, following a successful nomination by a group of local residents.

The application, submitted by the Unincorporated Friends of Combe Down Allotments, was thoroughly reviewed by the council and met all the necessary criteria to be added to the list.

While the owner of an Asset of Community Value (ACV) is still free to sell the property to any buyer, they are required to follow specific procedures before doing so:

• They must wait for a six-week ‘interim moratorium’ period, during which community interest groups or any other potential buyers can express interest and request that the council considers them as a potential bidder.

• If such a request is made, a six-month ‘full moratorium’ period begins, during which the sale is paused to allow these groups time to prepare a bid.

The 2024 Green Party candidate for Bath Dom Tristram, said: “These allotments have been a part of the community since 1894 and continue to be used and valued by so many people. Many of the current plot holders are local residents, and several schools and community groups use this space for outstanding social projects and learning opportunities. Growing our own food is a vital way for us to connect to nature and the world around us, and allotments are so important for people who aren’t lucky enough to have space of their own. This listing will hopefully help to protect the site for future generations.”

The ACV assessment for the Combe Down allotments can be viewed on the list of Registered Assets of Community Value in Bath and North East Somerset, which is managed and published by the council.

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