Green Party Response to Bath City Centre Walking And Cycling Plans

There is a currently a consultation on walking and cycling plans for Bath city centre. You can see it and respond online here.

BathNES Green Party welcomes all new investment in walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport in the city centre of Bath. Making buses move quicker and more punctually is very important and will make public transport a more attractive option for local residents as well as visitors.

In general, we strongly support improving sustainable transport in the city centre of Bath. We believe that this will improve air quality, reduce congestion, improve people’s health and contribute to thriving communities.

Connectivity to existing and future infrastructure is key to providing good walking, wheeling and cycling routes. A circulation plan is desperately needed for Bath and these plans for walking, wheeling and cycling, as well as improving bus operational efficiency, could be further improved if a circulation plan would be in place.

We have encouraged our members to get involved in this consultation and to get their feedback heard. We have also responded as an organisation.

We would like to make the following additional points covered by the consultation questions:

  • Active travel routes need to be continuous and connected
  • Further opportunities for increasing areas for walking and wheeling exist in the city centre, including on Pulteney Bridge, Grand Parade and Seven Dials
  • The river towpath west of Broad Quay is not suitable as cycle route because the river towpath is prone to flooding
  • Shared use space is not good practice in high footfall areas, and we therefore do not support the proposal of a cycle lane crossing through a pedestrian island on Bridge Street/High Street junction

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