Consultation Opening on Funding New Community Neighbourhood Projects for Bath

Library improvements, new play equipment and a football pitch upgrade are among the neighbourhood projects that residents can choose to benefit from the latest round of community funding.

A public consultation running until 30 October asks residents to help decide which applications for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Bath should be funded to support the development of their areas.

The seven projects are:

  • Contributing towards a new Climbing Wall and Facilities at Combe Down
  • Improvements to the Weston Village Library
  • Upgrading the pitch at Bath City Football club to a 4G, FIFA-quality all-weather pitch
  • Extending Student Community Wardens for a further three years.
  • New Play Equipment on Whiteway Green
  • Supporting The World Heritage Enhancement Fund to fund, promote and organise conservation work and improvements to the City of Bath World Heritage Site.
  • Contributing toward improvements at Odd Down Sports Ground

The consultation and full details of all the projects can be viewed on the council website here:…  Residents can also email their views and comments to

The consultation closes at 5pm on October 30.

This is the fifth time that the Bath CIL Advisory Board have asked residents to give their views on how Bath Neighbourhood CIL funding should be spent. Further rounds of CIL funding for Bath will be consulted on in due course.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.

From the overall Community Infrastructure Levy that is allocated, Bath receives 15% of the receipts which are allocated to The Neighbourhood Portion of CIL for Bath. In the absence of a parish council for Bath, the council has a statutory responsibility to allocate the funds.

Since its introduction, the Neighbourhood Portion of CIL for Bath has allocated over £2 million to 60 local projects. The Community Funding Projects Map shows where these projects are across the City.

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