Open Spaces

We recognise the particular importance of Bath’s green spaces for its residents and as part of its heritage, and aim to preserve and enhance them as much as possible.

To this end we will:

  • Oppose any attempts to build on Green Belt land
  • Oppose any attempts to develop any land within the city that has been used as open space previously
  • Identify, protect and improve all wildlife corridors within the city
  • Create greenway routes for pedestrians and cyclists within open spaces and corridors wherever feasible
  • Seek to improve open space provision, both natural and formal, including allotments and children’s play space, in areas that have few of these at present, so that all residents can enjoy open space close to their homes
  • Aim to bring management of open spaces as close to the community that they serve as possible, including the provision of park keepers where appropriate
  • Promote allotment provision as widely as possible, including protection of old allotment land for future allotment or horticultural use.

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